Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Challenges

A wise person will always find a way. ~Tanzanian Proverb

Well, I'm getting ready for Tanzania!  I started a couple of classes that will, hopefully, give me a great accounting overview.  I will be the Financial Administrator for the organization, so I figured I should definitely brush up on my accounting skills.  It's quite interesting to see how the Lord opens doors to things I said I would never do...I'm always surprised! 

The Lord taught me a couple of years ago to give up control and trust Him in everything I do, and I have to say that life's a lot better when I do that.  Even when I'm stressed and feeling pressure--I know that ultimately God has a plan and is in control of it all.  The Lord's plan is so beautiful and creative...when we surrender everything it is so much easier to love and give!

I have so much to learn, but I am excited for the adventures, opportunities, and challenges ahead of me.  

Hakuna Matata...right? 


kyle said...

Haha. It's funny that I'm doing 2 things I said I'd never do: be a teacher AND a full-time missionary. ;) Excited to see where your adventures take you!

Unknown said...

Haha...I always end up doing the things I say I will NEVER do! Lol..always an adventure :)