Thursday, November 21, 2013

How Whatsapp Changed My World

Alright, I promise this post won't be about least not entirely.  It's really more about my family.  I feel so incredbily blessed to have such an amazing family.  They are my support system, the people I call in the middle of the night, the ones who tell me when I'm being stupid (which is too often), and the ones who make me feel like I belong.   

My life has been full of adopted family members, too..people who I've had the chance to know, love, and care for. Sometimes, I'm overwhelmed by all of the support and encouragement that I've had--from my immediate family and from my friends.  I have been surrounded by so much love.  

With all of that love gifted to me...that means I have a lot of love to give, right?  Right.  But, it's even more than that--when I was little my favorite Scripture verse was 1 John 4:19, "We love, because He first loved us." Now, this was the easiest verse to learn as a four year old in Cubbies and it's still one of my favorites at twenty-two, because I knew it was the truth.  Simply, the truth.  

I'm thankful for so many people who will tell me when I'm wrong, and so many people in my life who will encourage me when I'm right.  When I'm going through challenges or when I need advice...I know my sister will answer her phone at 4am.  When I'm being dramatic and totally irrational...I know that I have 20 people who will call me out on it.  All of these things make me feel like I belong.  They want to help me become a better person, and they actually care about my irrational moments along the way.  

So, in the end, this is where whatsapp comes in (it's a smartphone app :) ) and how happy I am to have it.  I get to text my whole family from anywhere in the world.  I'm currently sitting in a coffee shop in Nairobi, Kenya, and I think I just sent everyone back in the States a good morning text.  I get to say "I love you" all of the time.  It's amazing.  

If anyone wants to text me, or if you want me to text you...just let me know!  I'm always happy to have new members in the fam :)  

Lots of love xoxo


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