Saturday, December 29, 2012

Arusha, Tanzania

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Well, 2012 has been a wonderful year. It's been full of many challenges and opportunities and 2013 is looking much the same. In just about 2 weeks I will be headed to Arusha, Tanzania. My flight is booked and my bags...are still not packed. They're getting there, however! I have looked at every blog, website, and expat forum I can find, but I still can't figure out what I should be wearing. If I stick with conservative, light-weight, non-flashy clothing then I think I should be okay. It's actually harder to find clothing that doesn't look expensive than I had anticipated, but I'm sure after months of wear it'll all look, well, like I've worn it for months!

I'm taking two checked bags, one rolling duffle carry-on, and one backpack. My flight looks scary and complicated--prayerfully it just looks that way. I'll be stopping in Qatar and then over to Kilimanjaro. I'm trying to imagine all of the cultures and sights that I'll be seeing, but my imagination seems to be failing. I have no idea what to expect or how I'll feel once I'm actually on an airplane. It's funny--I already miss my mom and dad!

All I can do at the moment is pray and trust that the Lord is in control, and that His plan is amazing.

I also pray that my "To Do List" is accomplished before I leave!

Happy New Year, everyone!!!

Please leave comments, or send me an email if you have questions!

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